Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10

3) Use this space to explore more of your own claim. How did you arrive at your research question? What is it that interests you? What do you wish to explore and why? Spend this space developing your argument.

My topic that I am thinking about choosing is on rape and abortion. We have recently touched on these topics throught the books that we read. What interest me is the fact that women can get raped and prossible have a child from it, but what if she doesn't want the baby? Can she get an abortion, will she had the abortion payed for from some kind of fund rasier and how can you prove that she really got raped? Do women sometimes put there selfs insituations that could possible lead themselfs in getting raped, if so who's fault is it. How many states are there that allow abortions to be legal? I think that women sometimes are at fault when they get raped, there are possible ways of preventing the situation. Sometimes the person is'nt at fault either, there are bad people out there that will try to take advantage of women when they are most vonerable. I think it would be hard for an organisation to support women for having a abortion if they get raped just because it would be hard to predict if the women really got raped or not. If a women really did get raped I would not blame her for not wanting the child because of everytime you have to look at the baby it could bring up painful memories. Over all I think that this will be a good topic because there will be tons of information about the subject