Monday, November 29, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task Three Nov.12

What is the thesis for your paper?
 The thesis of my paper is Kids don't need to rush things in life everything will fall into place.
List the main points you make in your paper.

Do not rush the years that you are in high school because those will be the memories that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. Kids are too young to be all grown up at the age of sixteen. Sports have shaped me into the person that I am today.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
 I got his view on my paper and thoughts about what he thought should be changed.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
How to correctly write abbreviation and how to format the paper.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
I wrote about three drafts before I got to my final draft. I started working on my paper as soon as I found out what story I was going to analyze. Then I just started jotting ideas on a piece of paper. Once I got my ideas written tow i started putting them in sentence form. After that I had my student teacher James revise over it. The after he made some correction and gave me ideas I started all over to perfect my paper.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? pertain the paper more to me and some of the events that had happen to me that relates to the subject.

What are most pleased with about this paper? Being about to express my opinion, thoughts about the subject. I thought the Arthur lead a different life then me that's why we disagreed so much

Response to Literacy Autobiography

I am a little confuse when you write about the three options that we are to comment on. unless you are talking about the struggles that we may have pertaining to reading and writing. Over the years in High School I struggled with reading and writing. When I read I couldn't stay focused to what I was trying to read, something always caught my eye and then I got off track. Once I got off track  I didn't wanna go back over what I just had read so after everything was all done I only remembered partial of the story that I was suppose to read.  My writing skills has always been a little off. I have been know to have my stories jump around from topic to topic because when I am writing my draft what ever pops in my head first I just start to type. During my first semester at college I was nervous and scared because my weakness has always been into the English department. As the days go by and after each paper I write I try to do better and improve each one. The only way that I am going to be able to over come the fear of not knowing how to read or write very well is to keep trying harder and harder each time I do it. I have seen a improvement on my papers compared to the beginning of the year and I'm understand better on how to become a good writer. I just keep telling myself that this is what I have to do.

Homework for Nov 19: "How i Learned to Read and Write" Frederick Douglass

The way that Douglass got education is the very different but also same is some way. The was that Douglass learn was buy a kind willing lady named Mrs. Auld, now it pretty much mandatory to go to school and teachers are getting paid. when you first start learning to read and write the first think that I learned was my A,B,C's and that was the same way that Mrs.Auld. When you start learning the alphabet you probably around around the age of 5 or 6 but Frederick was a older male determined to get a education. The meaning of education to Frederick is completely different from me. Frederick wanted to learn because he felt that he could get freedom from it. I am learning because I want to be more successful in life and do big things. It took Douglass seven years to be able to read and write very well. I don't think it took me that long to be able to read and write because i got practice with it everyday for several hours  and i had access to book and materials that would improve me unlike Douglass. His willingness to learn is way more than mine is. Learning to him probably means everything to him. Being a slave all he new was work, not knowing that there is bigger and better things out to be learned. It was a lot harder for him to learn not having the appropriate materials but he sure did have to dedication to learn and that was all that it came down to. How far he was willing to go and come much time and effort it had to take to learn. Whether it was 150 years ago or not you always start with the simple things and work your way but such as the A,B,C's then all it takes is repetition from then on after the basics.

Homework for Nov. 17 Discuss Your Experiance with Reading and Writing.

Before this course I anticipated that I would struggle with reading and writing because that has never been my strong suit. While I was younger I had bad eye vision and it took me awhile to figure out what was my problem which had a big effect on my reading. First grade is when I got my first pair of glasses and by that time I was behind in class. It took me a while to get use to wear my glasses, ever time I read it would hurt my head. In orderto keep up with the class I would have to read every night. My parents where there backing me up along the way force me to keep reading. later on they started getting heavy work  load and spent less time with me. Since know one was there to make sure that I was still reading I became lazy and stopped. My older siblings noticed and they help me through the years with my reading and writing skills. When I got into high school my reading level still wasn't where it should of been at. A amazing teacher, Mrs Archer notice that I could be doing better then I was showing so she decided to have a talk with me. I am very glad she had the talk because it inspired me to work harder and learn more. through out my high school year if I had any troubles with my literature I was always made my way to her room.