Monday, November 29, 2010

Response to Literacy Autobiography

I am a little confuse when you write about the three options that we are to comment on. unless you are talking about the struggles that we may have pertaining to reading and writing. Over the years in High School I struggled with reading and writing. When I read I couldn't stay focused to what I was trying to read, something always caught my eye and then I got off track. Once I got off track  I didn't wanna go back over what I just had read so after everything was all done I only remembered partial of the story that I was suppose to read.  My writing skills has always been a little off. I have been know to have my stories jump around from topic to topic because when I am writing my draft what ever pops in my head first I just start to type. During my first semester at college I was nervous and scared because my weakness has always been into the English department. As the days go by and after each paper I write I try to do better and improve each one. The only way that I am going to be able to over come the fear of not knowing how to read or write very well is to keep trying harder and harder each time I do it. I have seen a improvement on my papers compared to the beginning of the year and I'm understand better on how to become a good writer. I just keep telling myself that this is what I have to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    Why do you think that English is something you have always struggled with? Was there a moment in time that made you believe that you could not read and write very well? Sometimes, revisiting those experiences offer us a chance to relive the moment and to reflect on what really happened. I hope that this semester was not as frightening or intimidating as you thought it might be. In fact, I was very pleased with your first paper. The detail is what I remember most.

    Ms. C
