Thursday, January 27, 2011

About My Ad

1) Tell us about the ad you have chosen. Spend some time describing the ad in detail. How does it objectify a male or female? Next briefly identify the intended audience. Go further than identifying young, white women. Use the example that I have provided you with for the writing assignment for the first essay. Discuss how and why that ad targets this audience. Use supporting details from the ad to support your claim.

My ad that i have chosen is from a company called Dolce & Gabbana. The ad is reaching out to men and women to buy their new Beach Wear. This is has a man and women on top of a desk, the man is wearing some swimming trunks while the women is wearing a babying suite. I think it is objectifying both man and women because it had the mans face in the womens chest, while the women is having her chest sticking out to show off. Both of the people in this are very good looking , inshape and tan. This had is intended for both man and women, by the Dolce and Gabbana history they are intending to sell their items at a high price so more likley upper class people are going to buy it. It is just a well known higher upper brand name of all kinds of appeal. This AD is targeting males and females around the ages of 18-28 becuase the people that are modeling the beach wear are around that age and it is just the style that kids are wearing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    I haven't seen this ad, so it is difficult for me to provide direct feedback that may help with your paper. For future notice, you can upload images to your blog. Moving on, what I would like to see modified for the paper is the specific detail. Remember what you describe in the ad is different than the objectification. When you describe what is in the ad, only tell the audience the specifics. What are the men and women wearing? Are there only two persons? Describe to us in detail what they are wearing. What is the setting? Tell us more about this desk.

    To help understand that Dolce and Gabbana is an affluent brand, consider beginning your paper with a description of their products and costs.

    Ms. C

    FYI: Remember grammar and punctuation.
