Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10

3) Use this space to explore more of your own claim. How did you arrive at your research question? What is it that interests you? What do you wish to explore and why? Spend this space developing your argument.

My topic that I am thinking about choosing is on rape and abortion. We have recently touched on these topics throught the books that we read. What interest me is the fact that women can get raped and prossible have a child from it, but what if she doesn't want the baby? Can she get an abortion, will she had the abortion payed for from some kind of fund rasier and how can you prove that she really got raped? Do women sometimes put there selfs insituations that could possible lead themselfs in getting raped, if so who's fault is it. How many states are there that allow abortions to be legal? I think that women sometimes are at fault when they get raped, there are possible ways of preventing the situation. Sometimes the person is'nt at fault either, there are bad people out there that will try to take advantage of women when they are most vonerable. I think it would be hard for an organisation to support women for having a abortion if they get raped just because it would be hard to predict if the women really got raped or not. If a women really did get raped I would not blame her for not wanting the child because of everytime you have to look at the baby it could bring up painful memories. Over all I think that this will be a good topic because there will be tons of information about the subject

Thursday, January 27, 2011

About My Ad

1) Tell us about the ad you have chosen. Spend some time describing the ad in detail. How does it objectify a male or female? Next briefly identify the intended audience. Go further than identifying young, white women. Use the example that I have provided you with for the writing assignment for the first essay. Discuss how and why that ad targets this audience. Use supporting details from the ad to support your claim.

My ad that i have chosen is from a company called Dolce & Gabbana. The ad is reaching out to men and women to buy their new Beach Wear. This is has a man and women on top of a desk, the man is wearing some swimming trunks while the women is wearing a babying suite. I think it is objectifying both man and women because it had the mans face in the womens chest, while the women is having her chest sticking out to show off. Both of the people in this are very good looking , inshape and tan. This had is intended for both man and women, by the Dolce and Gabbana history they are intending to sell their items at a high price so more likley upper class people are going to buy it. It is just a well known higher upper brand name of all kinds of appeal. This AD is targeting males and females around the ages of 18-28 becuase the people that are modeling the beach wear are around that age and it is just the style that kids are wearing.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Whats New About Me?

Well this is my second semester in college at Missouri Western State Universaty and I Am very excited for it. The winter break that we had seemed like it lasted forever, but it was nice to be able to see all my family members. My sister has two adorable little girls that are just now learning how to talk so I am sure you could just imagine all of the excitement we are having with them. Other then being with family and friends I have been devoteing alot of my time to my MMA fighting. I am having a fight on Jan. 29 in Cameron MO, I am a little nervous for it because the guy that I was schedule to fight has the 205lb title belt in St. Joesph. All through christmas break I was going through his fight films trying to figure out his fighting technics and how to counter them. A week ago the promoter of the fight event called me up and said that I could have a title fight at 185lbs. I was so excited but then I realized how much I was weighing at the time which was a little over 210lbs... so thats a little ways away to go, but i'm up for the challenge. I got a little under two weeks to lose weight and prepare for my new fighter coming from Hamilton Missouri with a 4-0 record and none of the fights have lasted longer then 15secs!!! He has been knocking the apponents out and have broken one of the guys jaw in the processes. Wish me luck on this up coming event

Monday, December 13, 2010

DEC 13. Final Blog Post

 How have you become a better reader and/or writer? I become a better writer by repetition. Doing blog post making me write over 250 words per post, pushing me to do more and more. I had a great eng 100 teacher to help me along the way. I learned how to properly put quotes into a paragraph  and before her class i didn't know what a thesis sentence was or how to perform one


 What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course? i like how you can do the home work on your own time and it over ther internet so if you ever want to change what you wrote you can

 What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain. very educational experiance ! i like how she was always prepared for class. made it fun by useing some youtube videos to show us what she is talking about. she was full of energy and laid back. if you had a question should would explain it well     What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers? i didnt liek the moneyday sessions with the student teacher. wasnt much help and was always late, he didnt know what he was talking about half of the time and couldnt give straight answers
How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal? blogging is similiar o a journal because you write it in your own words and it makes me feel more relaxed because it is over the internet i have all the time to finish the assiment during the day so when ever i have a extra thought i can go back to it. it is different because your writing about a specific thing.
How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not? The blog remind me as a journal not as homework. It makes me feel free writing.

Friday, December 10, 2010

task four evaluatrion

· What is the thesis for your paper? I can relate to Rodriguez’s story because he dealt with the same reading issues that I experience when I was younger.
When I was younger i had bad eye site which effected my reading. Mrs. Archer was a teacher that urged me to read more books and expand my mind. My favorite types of books to read are war books and i found this out because Mrs. Archer told me to read it. How much of a better reader that i have become.·
They corrected my grammar mistake which helped me realize that i need to read over my paper out loud so i can catch those mistakes better.·
How to do the work cited page and the quations. I learned how the page is suppose to be setup.How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote the paper three different times. i started off writing information about my experiances then i found a story that i was very interested in adn starting writing ideas down. Once I found what i was for sure writing about i started putting my ideas into paraghaph fourm and i wrote two pages. Chayse looked over my paper and found several mistakes so i re wrote it and wrotw three pages this time checking over it and correcting it as i went on.What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I still dont know if my work cited is correct!
· What are most pleased with about this paper?
The overall story i thought i did a very good job on this one with all of the information that i put into it.
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
List the main points you make in your paper.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task Three Nov.12

What is the thesis for your paper?
 The thesis of my paper is Kids don't need to rush things in life everything will fall into place.
List the main points you make in your paper.

Do not rush the years that you are in high school because those will be the memories that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. Kids are too young to be all grown up at the age of sixteen. Sports have shaped me into the person that I am today.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
 I got his view on my paper and thoughts about what he thought should be changed.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
How to correctly write abbreviation and how to format the paper.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
I wrote about three drafts before I got to my final draft. I started working on my paper as soon as I found out what story I was going to analyze. Then I just started jotting ideas on a piece of paper. Once I got my ideas written tow i started putting them in sentence form. After that I had my student teacher James revise over it. The after he made some correction and gave me ideas I started all over to perfect my paper.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? pertain the paper more to me and some of the events that had happen to me that relates to the subject.

What are most pleased with about this paper? Being about to express my opinion, thoughts about the subject. I thought the Arthur lead a different life then me that's why we disagreed so much

Response to Literacy Autobiography

I am a little confuse when you write about the three options that we are to comment on. unless you are talking about the struggles that we may have pertaining to reading and writing. Over the years in High School I struggled with reading and writing. When I read I couldn't stay focused to what I was trying to read, something always caught my eye and then I got off track. Once I got off track  I didn't wanna go back over what I just had read so after everything was all done I only remembered partial of the story that I was suppose to read.  My writing skills has always been a little off. I have been know to have my stories jump around from topic to topic because when I am writing my draft what ever pops in my head first I just start to type. During my first semester at college I was nervous and scared because my weakness has always been into the English department. As the days go by and after each paper I write I try to do better and improve each one. The only way that I am going to be able to over come the fear of not knowing how to read or write very well is to keep trying harder and harder each time I do it. I have seen a improvement on my papers compared to the beginning of the year and I'm understand better on how to become a good writer. I just keep telling myself that this is what I have to do.