Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflection of Task Three

In "let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" unlike Leon Botstein I disagree  with his ideas on having kids start school earlier and get out earlier. Starting elementary school when you are 4 or 5 years of age is just a little too young because I think little kids would still be to attached to their parents and wouldn't act approporiately and behave well in elementary school. What really makes me wonder is how Botstein thinks that a sixteen year old kid is ready to take all of the adulthood challenges on. Me personally I am having trouble adjusting to everyday life struggles and i have more experience then a sixteen year old kid has. I see where he is coming from because I do think kids waste a lot of their time and could be maturing faster but the way are generation is now, it would not work out very well. Sixteen years old is still a kid in my mind not a adult, so why try to make them something that they are not ready for? As being a high school athlete I remember that I didn't care about my classes and was more focused on my upcoming game rather then my school work. If you think about it the best part of life is looking back on your childhood memories and remembering all of the good times you had. I wouldn't want to remember my childhood as working nonstop and thats all I did. I have to agree that if Botstein did be put into action and it was successful, America would be a totally changed place.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Aspect that Kozol Examines.

Kozol talks about the suburban schools and the inner city schools. The suburban schools have all the good teacher, materials and nice location. The inner city schools have a bad location, teachers that don't care and not all the materials that they need in a class for a good education. The inner city schools had 95% color  in their schools and they graduation rate was very low as was the success in a good future. This school was in a bad location where shootings were going on, kids getting killed, just overall not the place you would want to be in. The teachers at the school would show up late for there classes, sleep during classes and play cards. The students are learning from the teacher so they are see them come in late for work, so when those kids grow up they saw it was ok to walk in late for work so they will be doing the same thing as what they saw. Since they are living in just a horrible environment that is all they know of. They don't know how things are much better organized and less trashy. All they know is what they learned while growing up. Religious beliefs is what gives the kids hope, just knowing that there is a better place out there then where they are living now. Half of the kids are lucky to graduate the class, most of them ending up dropping out and a high percentage of them dropping out end up spending time in jail.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why did I decide to go to college.

Why I decided to go to college. I decided to go to college because there is so many opertunitys for my future here at Missouri Western State University. The degree that I am planning on magoring is Pre Physical Therapy and whats a better place then doing it at Missouri Western thirty miles away from home. I think i'm going to college that I will be that much closer to being succuesfull in life because of having a degree. There are many people out there that go straight to work after high school and find a ok paying job but usually end up having to work the rest of there life. Compared to going for more schooling after you get your diloma getting in dept but finishing college with a degree. Then good jobs are easier to find and you can pay of your debt build and save more money so you can afford to retire much sooner. My goal is to just get a hirer education because the more that I know the better I think I will be off. But its not all about just finding one degree and be out. It helps you live on your own build up responsibility. You learn to meet new people, manage money, time. It's the next step leading to your future. So instead of just jumping right into problems that you dont know how to control you go in slowly. Everyone is different but this is why I am going to college because I think it will help me in the future.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" Question For You to Analyze 4.

Botstein's article is entitled "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood." What assumptions does he make about the idea of adulthood? Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Does his proposal really offer teens a way to "try adulthood"

In Botstein's article he thinks that instead of graduating at the age of eighteen kids need to graduate when they are sixteen. In the story he says "Secondary education must be rethought. Elementary school should begin at age 4 or 5 and end with the sixth grade. There should be only for years of secondary school" instead of the six years we have now No, I do not agree with them because kids are not ready to be in the real world and be on the own when they are just sixteen years of age. I think being eighteen years old would be a more effective way to being successful and more responsible. They have not fully matured and might not even have hit puberty yet. Even some eighteen year old kids are not even matured enough to be on there on let alone a sixteen year old kid. Yes, his proposal offer teens a way to "try adult hood" but I do not think all of the kids would be successful in this type of program because of lack of responsibility and maturity. There is two different things from thinking that it could work and having it actually work. If it is stressful enough for a eighteen year old to go live on their own, attend colleges, learn to manage time, and money think how hard it would be for a sixteen year old to do that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us : Question for Reflection and Writing .1

1. What have been your experiances of college? Why are you in college? Do you think college is worth the time, effort, and expense?
When I first got to college I was nervous and didnt know what to expect when I got here. But, it really wasn't that bad, It was just like a big high school with strict rules on attending to classes. I commute to college so i'm not having the full college experiance in living the the dorms but I am meeting alot of new people. College is going to be a good learning experiance for me and its is going to teacher me life lessons on how to be more responsible, depend on my self and get out of your confort zone and meet new people. I'm in college for the same reasons as everyone else, I want to get a higher education and work towards my degree in Physical Therapy. To me i think the only way I can become real successful in life is to go to college and finish what I start. Yes, I think college is worth the time, effort, and expenses because in the long run it will all pay off. Its worth the time because as long as I pay attention during class and learn, I will bennifit from it. Its worth the effort because right now I am building up my responsiblitiy and learning how to manage money, this will be useful in the real world. The expense, if I graduate college and and get my degree, find a job and work hard it will pay off.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Self-Evaluation About Task Two

What is the thesis for your paper?
The thesis of my paper is Vicki Archer was just a little girl with big dreams of being a teacher.
List the main points you make in your paper.
When Vicki was going through school sh had trouble reading and wasn't the smartest student. A counselor once told her that she couldn't finish college, this make Vicki work even harder. The challenges Vicki had to over come during college such as getting married, being pregnant, managing classes and her kids.
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
Some of the helpful advice that I received from my peer evaluations where the spelling mistakes that I made. Having a second eye looking at my paper really help fid the mistakes that I couldn't see.
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpful information that i received in class that helped me with my paper was just going over the structure of a paper. When we go over are mistakes in class that is wrong with are paper and when you see how other people mess up and we find out how to correct it.
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or
sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? I wrote three different drafts on this paper. The first draft was just a bunch of ideas on one paper. Then I wrote everything but the thesis and conclusion out on paper. For the third draft i typed it up and added the thesis and conclusion. I started writing it the week of the ruff draft was due.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t
think you got a good handle on? To me I still don't thing I successfully have wrote a good thesis or conclusion, But this paper was better then my task one paper.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I think that this paper was better written and The information that I had was more detailed

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What education means to me.

What educations means to me? The more education that you have the better that your off. Without education the world wouldn't be how it is today. Education can make you achieve long term goals such as going to college and getting your degree. I'm wanting to be a physical therapist but I can't do that until I receive more education, so attending college will make me succeed in reaching my goals. Education is a privilege to have because some people have learning disabilities and can't learn as well from the rest, but being able to learn and get a higher education a blessing. You can't just go into a class sit there hope you learn something. To receive a education you have to want to learn. Education is a big learning process. You start from going pre-school all the way until you are a senior. Each year your brain gets bigger and you get smarter, and the classes get tougher. Why the United States is so well structured is because of are education, there are well educated people running are country and they are doing it so well because of education. If are education didn't advance neither would we, we are so successful because of the people with higher education who come up with new ideas and put them into action. You need to take advantage of college because of where education can get you. As hard as you put into it that how much you get out of it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Interview Process

The five questions that I posted on my blog were the main questions that I had asked my teacher. I asked these questions because I felt that I would get the most information out of them that I needed to be able to write my task two paper. My interview went great, I went to my school found my teacher and asked her if I could interview for a class project and she was just thrilled about it. Since I wasn't going to be able to stay in town for awhile and it was so short notice I just sent her and email of all the questions that I would of asked her in person, and that night she had them all answered and sent them back to me. One main thing that I had learned from my interview was that she had always wanted to be a teacher when she was growing up. She wasn't doing the best in school and a teacher once told her that she would never be able to go to college and be a teacher. This only made her try harder to do better in school. I inteneded to translate the writing process in her point of view. The concerns that I have are when I am going to translate the writing process in her point of view that I will not do it right. I expect to over come this by getting help from a teacher on how to write the this project better.