Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What education means to me.

What educations means to me? The more education that you have the better that your off. Without education the world wouldn't be how it is today. Education can make you achieve long term goals such as going to college and getting your degree. I'm wanting to be a physical therapist but I can't do that until I receive more education, so attending college will make me succeed in reaching my goals. Education is a privilege to have because some people have learning disabilities and can't learn as well from the rest, but being able to learn and get a higher education a blessing. You can't just go into a class sit there hope you learn something. To receive a education you have to want to learn. Education is a big learning process. You start from going pre-school all the way until you are a senior. Each year your brain gets bigger and you get smarter, and the classes get tougher. Why the United States is so well structured is because of are education, there are well educated people running are country and they are doing it so well because of education. If are education didn't advance neither would we, we are so successful because of the people with higher education who come up with new ideas and put them into action. You need to take advantage of college because of where education can get you. As hard as you put into it that how much you get out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    Thank you for your worldly view of education :) Would you say that this system does have some faults? IF so, are there any worth explaining? But what about you? How does your view of education reflect your experiences?

    MS. C
