Friday, October 1, 2010

The Interview Process

The five questions that I posted on my blog were the main questions that I had asked my teacher. I asked these questions because I felt that I would get the most information out of them that I needed to be able to write my task two paper. My interview went great, I went to my school found my teacher and asked her if I could interview for a class project and she was just thrilled about it. Since I wasn't going to be able to stay in town for awhile and it was so short notice I just sent her and email of all the questions that I would of asked her in person, and that night she had them all answered and sent them back to me. One main thing that I had learned from my interview was that she had always wanted to be a teacher when she was growing up. She wasn't doing the best in school and a teacher once told her that she would never be able to go to college and be a teacher. This only made her try harder to do better in school. I inteneded to translate the writing process in her point of view. The concerns that I have are when I am going to translate the writing process in her point of view that I will not do it right. I expect to over come this by getting help from a teacher on how to write the this project better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    I'm very interested in reading your paper. Is this a possible focus for your paper: the teacher that told your subject she could not teach? If so, this would be an interesting focus.

    Ms. C
