Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us : Question for Reflection and Writing .1

1. What have been your experiances of college? Why are you in college? Do you think college is worth the time, effort, and expense?
When I first got to college I was nervous and didnt know what to expect when I got here. But, it really wasn't that bad, It was just like a big high school with strict rules on attending to classes. I commute to college so i'm not having the full college experiance in living the the dorms but I am meeting alot of new people. College is going to be a good learning experiance for me and its is going to teacher me life lessons on how to be more responsible, depend on my self and get out of your confort zone and meet new people. I'm in college for the same reasons as everyone else, I want to get a higher education and work towards my degree in Physical Therapy. To me i think the only way I can become real successful in life is to go to college and finish what I start. Yes, I think college is worth the time, effort, and expenses because in the long run it will all pay off. Its worth the time because as long as I pay attention during class and learn, I will bennifit from it. Its worth the effort because right now I am building up my responsiblitiy and learning how to manage money, this will be useful in the real world. The expense, if I graduate college and and get my degree, find a job and work hard it will pay off.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    I'm really glad that you see the advantages of going to college. Many persons in your shoes go to school for various reasons which may include a better job, more money, to extend their knowledge or just because they are curious. You write,

    "I'm in college for the same reasons as everyone else, I want to get a higher education and work towards my degree in Physical Therapy. To me i think the only way I can become real successful in life is to go to college and finish what I start. Yes, I think college is worth the time, effort, and expenses because in the long run it will all pay off."

    I'm grateful for the reflection that you include for this response; however, ask yourself if your experience is similar or different to what Bird explains in "Where College Fails Us." What I would like to see in the journal responses that follow are personal reflections interwoven with the essay.

    Ms. C
