Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflection of Task Three

In "let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" unlike Leon Botstein I disagree  with his ideas on having kids start school earlier and get out earlier. Starting elementary school when you are 4 or 5 years of age is just a little too young because I think little kids would still be to attached to their parents and wouldn't act approporiately and behave well in elementary school. What really makes me wonder is how Botstein thinks that a sixteen year old kid is ready to take all of the adulthood challenges on. Me personally I am having trouble adjusting to everyday life struggles and i have more experience then a sixteen year old kid has. I see where he is coming from because I do think kids waste a lot of their time and could be maturing faster but the way are generation is now, it would not work out very well. Sixteen years old is still a kid in my mind not a adult, so why try to make them something that they are not ready for? As being a high school athlete I remember that I didn't care about my classes and was more focused on my upcoming game rather then my school work. If you think about it the best part of life is looking back on your childhood memories and remembering all of the good times you had. I wouldn't want to remember my childhood as working nonstop and thats all I did. I have to agree that if Botstein did be put into action and it was successful, America would be a totally changed place.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    So do you intend to discuss this for Task Three. If not then we need to establish a focus. It seems like you disagree with Botstein's essay, which is appropriate. So what exactly would you like to focus on for Task Three. Narrow your search.

    1) Beginning school as early as 4-5.
    2) Student athletes.
    3) Removing middle school.

    Remember that you want to include your experiences too.

    Ms. C
