Thursday, September 9, 2010

Question for Refletion and Writing

 On Becoming a Chicano
Define your racial identity. What struggles have you gone through? How are your experiences similar to those of Rodriguez

I am just a average White/Caucasian male born in the United States. I have been through many different struggles but the one that comes to my mind first is being the new kid at a new school. When I was younger we moved around a couple of times and I just felt when I started making friends and was getting comfortable with everyone it was about time for us to move again. At the beginning it was hard to fit in because you don't know anyone and everyone is just staring at you trying to figure who you were. We eventually settled down in King City, MO and went to school there for seven years then I was off to college and it is starting all over again just trying to get use to campus and make new friends what really helped me was knowing that there were several kids in the same boat as I were. My experiences where similar to those of Rodriguez because I to also had a feeling of not fitting in a school and a constant worry wondering if people where talking about me. At times I didn't know who I was for sure or where do I belong. It took me sometime to realize that i'm not the only one in this situation and that I will be ok at the end. But  as the years past I made friends, was a active student and found myself through out the process. Life is full of learning experiences make the most of what you can and always try to stay positive.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colton,

    I appreciate your experiences that you have shared with Rodriguez, but can you tell us how these similarities draw you and he closer? Rodriguez is labeled as a Chicano, Chicano intellectual, gringo, etc. How do these labels affect him persay?
