Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Questions that I will ask my subject for "Task Two"

Five questions I will ask my subject and, explaining why I have chosen these questions.

1. When you where in High School did you always know that you wanted to be a teacher.
"I'm asking this question because she will tell me the reasons why she was wanting to be a teacher and who inspired her to have this dream".

2. What kinda of problems did you have going through High School  that could of prevented you from achieving your dream.
" By asking this question I can find out what she went through during high school and how she had to over come these problems. What was the breaking point in her life when she would decide to change her mind on what she wanted to do or to follow her dream and become a teacher".

3. What did you have to do to be able to over come some of your problems that was challenging you to become successful.
"I'll learn about her challenges and how she worked her way though them. What made her want to keep striving forward towards her goal".

4. What Teacher, Family member or student have the biggest impact on you, and how did they help you.
" I will find out who she was really close to. Who kept pushing her to make her achieve her goals in life, and that helped her get through her struggles in live".
5. What life lessons did you learn from this whole process.
" I will learn what she learned from her life experiences and how it made her become the person that she is today".

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