Monday, December 13, 2010

DEC 13. Final Blog Post

 How have you become a better reader and/or writer? I become a better writer by repetition. Doing blog post making me write over 250 words per post, pushing me to do more and more. I had a great eng 100 teacher to help me along the way. I learned how to properly put quotes into a paragraph  and before her class i didn't know what a thesis sentence was or how to perform one


 What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course? i like how you can do the home work on your own time and it over ther internet so if you ever want to change what you wrote you can

 What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain. very educational experiance ! i like how she was always prepared for class. made it fun by useing some youtube videos to show us what she is talking about. she was full of energy and laid back. if you had a question should would explain it well     What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers? i didnt liek the moneyday sessions with the student teacher. wasnt much help and was always late, he didnt know what he was talking about half of the time and couldnt give straight answers
How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal? blogging is similiar o a journal because you write it in your own words and it makes me feel more relaxed because it is over the internet i have all the time to finish the assiment during the day so when ever i have a extra thought i can go back to it. it is different because your writing about a specific thing.
How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not? The blog remind me as a journal not as homework. It makes me feel free writing.

Friday, December 10, 2010

task four evaluatrion

· What is the thesis for your paper? I can relate to Rodriguez’s story because he dealt with the same reading issues that I experience when I was younger.
When I was younger i had bad eye site which effected my reading. Mrs. Archer was a teacher that urged me to read more books and expand my mind. My favorite types of books to read are war books and i found this out because Mrs. Archer told me to read it. How much of a better reader that i have become.·
They corrected my grammar mistake which helped me realize that i need to read over my paper out loud so i can catch those mistakes better.·
How to do the work cited page and the quations. I learned how the page is suppose to be setup.How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote the paper three different times. i started off writing information about my experiances then i found a story that i was very interested in adn starting writing ideas down. Once I found what i was for sure writing about i started putting my ideas into paraghaph fourm and i wrote two pages. Chayse looked over my paper and found several mistakes so i re wrote it and wrotw three pages this time checking over it and correcting it as i went on.What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I still dont know if my work cited is correct!
· What are most pleased with about this paper?
The overall story i thought i did a very good job on this one with all of the information that i put into it.
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
List the main points you make in your paper.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task Three Nov.12

What is the thesis for your paper?
 The thesis of my paper is Kids don't need to rush things in life everything will fall into place.
List the main points you make in your paper.

Do not rush the years that you are in high school because those will be the memories that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. Kids are too young to be all grown up at the age of sixteen. Sports have shaped me into the person that I am today.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
 I got his view on my paper and thoughts about what he thought should be changed.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
How to correctly write abbreviation and how to format the paper.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
I wrote about three drafts before I got to my final draft. I started working on my paper as soon as I found out what story I was going to analyze. Then I just started jotting ideas on a piece of paper. Once I got my ideas written tow i started putting them in sentence form. After that I had my student teacher James revise over it. The after he made some correction and gave me ideas I started all over to perfect my paper.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? pertain the paper more to me and some of the events that had happen to me that relates to the subject.

What are most pleased with about this paper? Being about to express my opinion, thoughts about the subject. I thought the Arthur lead a different life then me that's why we disagreed so much

Response to Literacy Autobiography

I am a little confuse when you write about the three options that we are to comment on. unless you are talking about the struggles that we may have pertaining to reading and writing. Over the years in High School I struggled with reading and writing. When I read I couldn't stay focused to what I was trying to read, something always caught my eye and then I got off track. Once I got off track  I didn't wanna go back over what I just had read so after everything was all done I only remembered partial of the story that I was suppose to read.  My writing skills has always been a little off. I have been know to have my stories jump around from topic to topic because when I am writing my draft what ever pops in my head first I just start to type. During my first semester at college I was nervous and scared because my weakness has always been into the English department. As the days go by and after each paper I write I try to do better and improve each one. The only way that I am going to be able to over come the fear of not knowing how to read or write very well is to keep trying harder and harder each time I do it. I have seen a improvement on my papers compared to the beginning of the year and I'm understand better on how to become a good writer. I just keep telling myself that this is what I have to do.

Homework for Nov 19: "How i Learned to Read and Write" Frederick Douglass

The way that Douglass got education is the very different but also same is some way. The was that Douglass learn was buy a kind willing lady named Mrs. Auld, now it pretty much mandatory to go to school and teachers are getting paid. when you first start learning to read and write the first think that I learned was my A,B,C's and that was the same way that Mrs.Auld. When you start learning the alphabet you probably around around the age of 5 or 6 but Frederick was a older male determined to get a education. The meaning of education to Frederick is completely different from me. Frederick wanted to learn because he felt that he could get freedom from it. I am learning because I want to be more successful in life and do big things. It took Douglass seven years to be able to read and write very well. I don't think it took me that long to be able to read and write because i got practice with it everyday for several hours  and i had access to book and materials that would improve me unlike Douglass. His willingness to learn is way more than mine is. Learning to him probably means everything to him. Being a slave all he new was work, not knowing that there is bigger and better things out to be learned. It was a lot harder for him to learn not having the appropriate materials but he sure did have to dedication to learn and that was all that it came down to. How far he was willing to go and come much time and effort it had to take to learn. Whether it was 150 years ago or not you always start with the simple things and work your way but such as the A,B,C's then all it takes is repetition from then on after the basics.

Homework for Nov. 17 Discuss Your Experiance with Reading and Writing.

Before this course I anticipated that I would struggle with reading and writing because that has never been my strong suit. While I was younger I had bad eye vision and it took me awhile to figure out what was my problem which had a big effect on my reading. First grade is when I got my first pair of glasses and by that time I was behind in class. It took me a while to get use to wear my glasses, ever time I read it would hurt my head. In orderto keep up with the class I would have to read every night. My parents where there backing me up along the way force me to keep reading. later on they started getting heavy work  load and spent less time with me. Since know one was there to make sure that I was still reading I became lazy and stopped. My older siblings noticed and they help me through the years with my reading and writing skills. When I got into high school my reading level still wasn't where it should of been at. A amazing teacher, Mrs Archer notice that I could be doing better then I was showing so she decided to have a talk with me. I am very glad she had the talk because it inspired me to work harder and learn more. through out my high school year if I had any troubles with my literature I was always made my way to her room.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflection of Task Three

In "let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" unlike Leon Botstein I disagree  with his ideas on having kids start school earlier and get out earlier. Starting elementary school when you are 4 or 5 years of age is just a little too young because I think little kids would still be to attached to their parents and wouldn't act approporiately and behave well in elementary school. What really makes me wonder is how Botstein thinks that a sixteen year old kid is ready to take all of the adulthood challenges on. Me personally I am having trouble adjusting to everyday life struggles and i have more experience then a sixteen year old kid has. I see where he is coming from because I do think kids waste a lot of their time and could be maturing faster but the way are generation is now, it would not work out very well. Sixteen years old is still a kid in my mind not a adult, so why try to make them something that they are not ready for? As being a high school athlete I remember that I didn't care about my classes and was more focused on my upcoming game rather then my school work. If you think about it the best part of life is looking back on your childhood memories and remembering all of the good times you had. I wouldn't want to remember my childhood as working nonstop and thats all I did. I have to agree that if Botstein did be put into action and it was successful, America would be a totally changed place.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Aspect that Kozol Examines.

Kozol talks about the suburban schools and the inner city schools. The suburban schools have all the good teacher, materials and nice location. The inner city schools have a bad location, teachers that don't care and not all the materials that they need in a class for a good education. The inner city schools had 95% color  in their schools and they graduation rate was very low as was the success in a good future. This school was in a bad location where shootings were going on, kids getting killed, just overall not the place you would want to be in. The teachers at the school would show up late for there classes, sleep during classes and play cards. The students are learning from the teacher so they are see them come in late for work, so when those kids grow up they saw it was ok to walk in late for work so they will be doing the same thing as what they saw. Since they are living in just a horrible environment that is all they know of. They don't know how things are much better organized and less trashy. All they know is what they learned while growing up. Religious beliefs is what gives the kids hope, just knowing that there is a better place out there then where they are living now. Half of the kids are lucky to graduate the class, most of them ending up dropping out and a high percentage of them dropping out end up spending time in jail.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why did I decide to go to college.

Why I decided to go to college. I decided to go to college because there is so many opertunitys for my future here at Missouri Western State University. The degree that I am planning on magoring is Pre Physical Therapy and whats a better place then doing it at Missouri Western thirty miles away from home. I think i'm going to college that I will be that much closer to being succuesfull in life because of having a degree. There are many people out there that go straight to work after high school and find a ok paying job but usually end up having to work the rest of there life. Compared to going for more schooling after you get your diloma getting in dept but finishing college with a degree. Then good jobs are easier to find and you can pay of your debt build and save more money so you can afford to retire much sooner. My goal is to just get a hirer education because the more that I know the better I think I will be off. But its not all about just finding one degree and be out. It helps you live on your own build up responsibility. You learn to meet new people, manage money, time. It's the next step leading to your future. So instead of just jumping right into problems that you dont know how to control you go in slowly. Everyone is different but this is why I am going to college because I think it will help me in the future.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" Question For You to Analyze 4.

Botstein's article is entitled "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood." What assumptions does he make about the idea of adulthood? Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Does his proposal really offer teens a way to "try adulthood"

In Botstein's article he thinks that instead of graduating at the age of eighteen kids need to graduate when they are sixteen. In the story he says "Secondary education must be rethought. Elementary school should begin at age 4 or 5 and end with the sixth grade. There should be only for years of secondary school" instead of the six years we have now No, I do not agree with them because kids are not ready to be in the real world and be on the own when they are just sixteen years of age. I think being eighteen years old would be a more effective way to being successful and more responsible. They have not fully matured and might not even have hit puberty yet. Even some eighteen year old kids are not even matured enough to be on there on let alone a sixteen year old kid. Yes, his proposal offer teens a way to "try adult hood" but I do not think all of the kids would be successful in this type of program because of lack of responsibility and maturity. There is two different things from thinking that it could work and having it actually work. If it is stressful enough for a eighteen year old to go live on their own, attend colleges, learn to manage time, and money think how hard it would be for a sixteen year old to do that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us : Question for Reflection and Writing .1

1. What have been your experiances of college? Why are you in college? Do you think college is worth the time, effort, and expense?
When I first got to college I was nervous and didnt know what to expect when I got here. But, it really wasn't that bad, It was just like a big high school with strict rules on attending to classes. I commute to college so i'm not having the full college experiance in living the the dorms but I am meeting alot of new people. College is going to be a good learning experiance for me and its is going to teacher me life lessons on how to be more responsible, depend on my self and get out of your confort zone and meet new people. I'm in college for the same reasons as everyone else, I want to get a higher education and work towards my degree in Physical Therapy. To me i think the only way I can become real successful in life is to go to college and finish what I start. Yes, I think college is worth the time, effort, and expenses because in the long run it will all pay off. Its worth the time because as long as I pay attention during class and learn, I will bennifit from it. Its worth the effort because right now I am building up my responsiblitiy and learning how to manage money, this will be useful in the real world. The expense, if I graduate college and and get my degree, find a job and work hard it will pay off.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Self-Evaluation About Task Two

What is the thesis for your paper?
The thesis of my paper is Vicki Archer was just a little girl with big dreams of being a teacher.
List the main points you make in your paper.
When Vicki was going through school sh had trouble reading and wasn't the smartest student. A counselor once told her that she couldn't finish college, this make Vicki work even harder. The challenges Vicki had to over come during college such as getting married, being pregnant, managing classes and her kids.
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
Some of the helpful advice that I received from my peer evaluations where the spelling mistakes that I made. Having a second eye looking at my paper really help fid the mistakes that I couldn't see.
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpful information that i received in class that helped me with my paper was just going over the structure of a paper. When we go over are mistakes in class that is wrong with are paper and when you see how other people mess up and we find out how to correct it.
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or
sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? I wrote three different drafts on this paper. The first draft was just a bunch of ideas on one paper. Then I wrote everything but the thesis and conclusion out on paper. For the third draft i typed it up and added the thesis and conclusion. I started writing it the week of the ruff draft was due.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t
think you got a good handle on? To me I still don't thing I successfully have wrote a good thesis or conclusion, But this paper was better then my task one paper.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I think that this paper was better written and The information that I had was more detailed

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What education means to me.

What educations means to me? The more education that you have the better that your off. Without education the world wouldn't be how it is today. Education can make you achieve long term goals such as going to college and getting your degree. I'm wanting to be a physical therapist but I can't do that until I receive more education, so attending college will make me succeed in reaching my goals. Education is a privilege to have because some people have learning disabilities and can't learn as well from the rest, but being able to learn and get a higher education a blessing. You can't just go into a class sit there hope you learn something. To receive a education you have to want to learn. Education is a big learning process. You start from going pre-school all the way until you are a senior. Each year your brain gets bigger and you get smarter, and the classes get tougher. Why the United States is so well structured is because of are education, there are well educated people running are country and they are doing it so well because of education. If are education didn't advance neither would we, we are so successful because of the people with higher education who come up with new ideas and put them into action. You need to take advantage of college because of where education can get you. As hard as you put into it that how much you get out of it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Interview Process

The five questions that I posted on my blog were the main questions that I had asked my teacher. I asked these questions because I felt that I would get the most information out of them that I needed to be able to write my task two paper. My interview went great, I went to my school found my teacher and asked her if I could interview for a class project and she was just thrilled about it. Since I wasn't going to be able to stay in town for awhile and it was so short notice I just sent her and email of all the questions that I would of asked her in person, and that night she had them all answered and sent them back to me. One main thing that I had learned from my interview was that she had always wanted to be a teacher when she was growing up. She wasn't doing the best in school and a teacher once told her that she would never be able to go to college and be a teacher. This only made her try harder to do better in school. I inteneded to translate the writing process in her point of view. The concerns that I have are when I am going to translate the writing process in her point of view that I will not do it right. I expect to over come this by getting help from a teacher on how to write the this project better.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Questions that I will ask my subject for "Task Two"

Five questions I will ask my subject and, explaining why I have chosen these questions.

1. When you where in High School did you always know that you wanted to be a teacher.
"I'm asking this question because she will tell me the reasons why she was wanting to be a teacher and who inspired her to have this dream".

2. What kinda of problems did you have going through High School  that could of prevented you from achieving your dream.
" By asking this question I can find out what she went through during high school and how she had to over come these problems. What was the breaking point in her life when she would decide to change her mind on what she wanted to do or to follow her dream and become a teacher".

3. What did you have to do to be able to over come some of your problems that was challenging you to become successful.
"I'll learn about her challenges and how she worked her way though them. What made her want to keep striving forward towards her goal".

4. What Teacher, Family member or student have the biggest impact on you, and how did they help you.
" I will find out who she was really close to. Who kept pushing her to make her achieve her goals in life, and that helped her get through her struggles in live".
5. What life lessons did you learn from this whole process.
" I will learn what she learned from her life experiences and how it made her become the person that she is today".

Sunday, September 26, 2010

“Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood” by Judith Ortiz Cofer

1. Why are the cuentos in Cofer's memoir particularly women's stores? What would be the equivalent of these cuentos for the boys in the family? Who would tell them?

The cuentos in Cofer's memoir are particularly women's stories because women could most generally imagine getting all dressed up, looking like a princess in her lace waiting at the altar and finding out that the man did not show up. Women are constantly worrying about things and a main goal that most women may have is to get married and the worst thing that could happen to a girl is her fiance not showing up for the wedding. Women do not want to have the humiliation of being ditched on there wedding night. If the boys where sitting around talking about stories and what they would watch for, I would imagine that they would talk about the signs that women are cheating on you. When guys get together I don't think that they are worrying about getting married, actually I think that is the last thing on there minds because once your married you will be on the o'l ball and chain. A women cheating on a man is almost just as embarrassing as a women being left t the altar because one way or another you are being left One of the most important thing for a guy is to have a girl that he can trust. In a males life we have enough problems as it is, having a girl that you can't depend on your trust just makes life that much more complicated. A grandpa or father would tell these stories  about signs on if a girl is cheating on you or if you can trust them because they have more knowledge about it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maya Angelou, Sister Flowers

6. Tell the story of a memorable childhood experiance.

When I was around six years old it was the first time that my family and I took a vacation with my grandparents. We took a trip to Minnesota and oh my was it beautiful, there was trees and large bodies of water as far as you can see. Grandapa had been renting a cabin out there for weeks at a time each summer and I guess he figured it would be fun with my family around. When we arrived at the cabin we got all packed in and ate at a restaurant called Zorbas, it had the best arcade that I had ever been to, i'm sure that i spend more time in there then actually eating. The first day that we spend there we just took walks and looked at the sights, but grandpa said tomorrow that we could go on the boat and go fishing. The next day came and I was determined to catch my first fish. The family all loaded up in grandpa's new fancy boat and we headed off in the lake. On grandpa's boat it had a fish detector, it told where the fish where at, we found a spot where tons of fish where at then grandpa said cast out your lines. We sat there for hours not a single bite let alone a nipple, we gave up and headed back to cabin to make a camp fire an then call it a night. Morning came I was the first to wake up so i headed out side to fish on the dock. I cast out my line waiting patiently, being a little boy I got distracted by all the rocks so i decided to start skipping rocks. While I was skipping rock I had gotten a bite on my hook and not realizing it, the fish took my rod under water.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Subjects that i'm interested in interviewing and writing about for Task Two.

Why are you interested in these subjects?
I am interested in interviewing my grandpa because I have always known him and he has always been in my life. I would like to know more about his past education and compare how they are different from my own.

What makes him/her interesting and unique?
My Grandpa is unique because I have never meet another man like him before. He could possibly be on of the craziest grandpas in the world. When he was younger he didn't live at home much, he was mainly on his own and supporting him self while still getting his G.E.D through high school.

What sort of questions would you ask and why?
I would ask him why he was on his own for so long, how he managed to be on his own and still go through school, what is something interesting that has happened that was educational.

What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
A problem that might arise for ask two is that some of the information that I receive may be false. I have noticed when I talked with my grandpa a might ask him to repeat something and each time to me it seems to change a little bit or it might be that he just forgot to add the information?

What do you anticipate? Why?
I anticipate that I will have a lot of information on my grandpa for task two. I am hoping that I I'll learn something new about him while I am interviewing him.

What questions do you have for Task Two?
What are some specific questions that I should ask my grandpa while I am interviewing him. How am I suppose to write the paper.

Self Evaluation


What is the thesis for your paper?
The thesis for my paper was how I started to get into the sport of (MMA).
List the main points you make in your paper.
My friend Justin first MMA Fight, When I decided to fight, The training it took to prepare my first fight, Training with a actual MMA Fighter named Steve and winning my first fight.
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
The most helpful advice that I received
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpful information that I received in class or my paper was how to make the paper complete. Before I didn't know how to start out a paper let alone how to make a good thesis.
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
 For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I had made about three different drafts on this paper. The first draft I wrote little small chunks of all the main ideas in my paper then described each one of them with details. The second draft I put all of my ideas and wrote them out in sentence form. After I got my paper looked over and corrected I added my thesis, conclusion and corrected all of my mistakes which made up o my final draft.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don't got a good handle on? 
What I would do differently to make my paper more effective would be to describe my setting more and I Should of described my opponent more. I'm not the best at making a good thesis so if I had a better thesis I think my story could of been a little bit better.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
What I was most pleased with my paper was the more descriptive words that I put into my story to make it more visual. I tried to had more facts, details and I thought It made my story.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peer Review

What would you like to see changed?
Take more time in review each one of our papers. Some of the people in the group did not get their papers reviewed until the last day.

How would you like for it to be done?
Each person gets to review a paper and when they are finished they give it to someone else in the group for them to look at.

Is there too much time in class that is devoted to peer review?
No, because I think having multiple people in the class look at the papers helps to catch errors.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Questions for Reflection and Writing

"How it Feels to Be Colored Me"
what labels do you give yourself? How does your self-identity function in your day-to-day life? Compare your concept of self with Hurtson's, as she expresses it in this essay.

Some labels that I give myself are White, Student, Brother, Uncle, Worker, Eighteen Years Old, Non-Reader, Active, Six foot, Two Hundred and Five Pounds Male. By being white my self-identity blends in with the majority of the community. The functions i do from day-today I don't worry about what people say whether they are judging me or not. I'm not a person that stands out or makes a big statement. I think because the color of my skin people intend to give more respect to me even though that's not far or equal. My neighborhood is full of elderly people so they are mostly old fashion and have different morals, thoughts about certain people. Zora Hurston and I are just people like everyone else but we get judge differently because the color of are skin. Zora expects that she is the only black in the United States whose grandfather on the mother's side was not an Indian chief. Zora lives in a black community where she feels comfortable because she is around her kind. When she has to go to a school with a lot of white kids she feels out of place. She says that "slavery is sixty years in the past" Zora is the type of girl that looks forward to the future and does sob over the past because it has already happen and there is nothing you can do about it. I have nothing to compare to the things that she is having to go through. I live in a community of whites and the High School I went to was white. I may not be able to compare to what she went through but i do understand how hard it must of been to do what she had done. You shouldn't have to feel like your being judged just because you are different from others. If you have the mind set that you are just as good as everyone else I think you will be ok.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Question for Refletion and Writing

 On Becoming a Chicano
Define your racial identity. What struggles have you gone through? How are your experiences similar to those of Rodriguez

I am just a average White/Caucasian male born in the United States. I have been through many different struggles but the one that comes to my mind first is being the new kid at a new school. When I was younger we moved around a couple of times and I just felt when I started making friends and was getting comfortable with everyone it was about time for us to move again. At the beginning it was hard to fit in because you don't know anyone and everyone is just staring at you trying to figure who you were. We eventually settled down in King City, MO and went to school there for seven years then I was off to college and it is starting all over again just trying to get use to campus and make new friends what really helped me was knowing that there were several kids in the same boat as I were. My experiences where similar to those of Rodriguez because I to also had a feeling of not fitting in a school and a constant worry wondering if people where talking about me. At times I didn't know who I was for sure or where do I belong. It took me sometime to realize that i'm not the only one in this situation and that I will be ok at the end. But  as the years past I made friends, was a active student and found myself through out the process. Life is full of learning experiences make the most of what you can and always try to stay positive.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Task One" / Questions for Reflection and Writing

What are you thinking about writing? Why?

Recently I fought in Chillicothe and I was thinking about writing about the preparation for the (MMA) fight and the actual fight. I'm wanting to write about this because it is something that really interests me and it has been a major part of my summer.

What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task One?

Problems that may arise while I'm writing task one are my writing abilities and getting use to writing papers.

What do you anticipate? Why?

I anticipate that my story will meet all the requirements and I will have a "Shitty First Draft." I have more than enough information to support my story but not enough experience writing.

What questions do you have for Task One?

How are you going to grade the paper?

How long does the final draft have to be?

Questions for Reflection and Writing

1. One person that is important to the family is my Grandpa. He is always supporting my family and I. When we are in time of need he is always there to fall back on. Recently, my older sister had a baby girl and he scheduled a baby shower for her and bought her a ton of baby supplies. Grandpa also shows that he cares in other ways than just buying gifts though; he takes the time to sit down and to tell you how much he loves you. He would surprise me by showing up at some of my football practices and would attend all of my high school events. He is the type of grandpa that is very goofy but also when the time comes he can give good advice. He calls daily and makes sure that everything is going well. When we spend time with him it means the whole world to him, it’s the little things that makes grandpa happy.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Letter of Introduction

My name is Colton Allan and I graduated from King City High School and am currently attending Missouri Western State University. I decided to attend this college because it has an excellent Pre-Physical Therapy degree and it's close to home. I chose Physical Therapy because when someone has an injury of any kind, I would like to be the one to help them recover. After getting my degree I plan on finding a job hospital close by. The reason why I am only getting the Pre-Physical Therapy degree is because I'm wanting to be a Physical Therapists Assitant for a couple of years just to make sure that this is the job I am wanting to peruse. If I decide that I l like it I will return back to college to further my degree.

A short bio of myself: I was Born and raised in Bonner Springs, Kansas. I lived in Kansas for eleven years until my dad's job had been re-located to St. Joseph, Missouri. Instead of my dad driving two hours to work every morning we decided to move to King City, Missouri where I'm still currently living. We adapted to the new area and I became an active member of school and was involved in sports. As the years went by I became more athletic and started lifting weights constantly to be in the best physical shape I could possibly be for sports. My freshman year of high school they transferred from 8-Man to 11-Man Football which was a big change. The first couple years of football were a little slow but by the time I was a senior our football record was 8-3. I had received many football awards including All State Linebacker and by that time many colleges were interested in me playing for them but I realized that I really was not that interested in playing football especially at the college level.

I started training for a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fight. Specialized in boxing and I put in many hours of training during my summer to get ready for my fight and I could not of succeeded it this without the support of my friends and family. My first fight was August 28, 2010 at Chilicothe, Missouri. There were no words to explain how I was feeling right before my fight. As they called my name I walked down the lane to the cage while eleven hundred people surrounded the cage cheering. I walked into the cage hearing the latch lock knowing now that it’s just me and my fighter until one of us get knocked out, passes out or taps out "ding ding ding" the fight begins an forty-five seconds later the fight was over and I had won my first fight by Tap Out.